Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chile mining accident was no accident

!±8± Chile mining accident was no accident

Thirty-three Chilean miners were noted nearly half a mile of meters 700,000 tons of rock. The day after the disaster, rescued miner, Mario Gomez, recalled being "loud explosions" in the waves around him and began to panic. It 'been a "controlled explosion" - as a controlled demolition 11/09?

The Company Logo
How does the melodramatic rescue, not the viewers of TV shows on Masonic symbolism and statements that are broadcast around the worldall major networks.

The company responsible for mining disaster in Chile Codelco, the largest copper producers in the world. Codelco is the Egyptian company logo "All Seeing Eye ', on the American dollar bill. Codelco is the code name" EL "EL CO is the abbreviation of Elohim, the God of Israel. IS (Isis) RA (Sun God), EL (Elohim).

MASONIC Number 33
James Read, the BBC, noted that the number 33 has special significance given theMiners, who are notoriously superstitious. Roman Catholic Chileans believe that Jesus Christ was 33 when he died. There are 33 miners. It took 33 days for the tree to complete the save point. Save the date was 13/10/10 Chilean miners, for a total of - you guessed it - 33

In his speech after the triumphal first miner out of the bay, said Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, the "magic number 33". The "magic number" in Freemasonry is to reach the number "33", when initiatedtheir complete enlightenment.

What do we know about Sebastian Pinera president of Chile? Over 20 presidents of the Republic of Chile were among the masonry. Most of the Masonic lodges in Chile are the Scottish Rite Masonic lodges. Pinera was sitting home with the Masonic Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Chile and other high-ranking Masons were photographed.

Piñera is a billionaire right, a Harvard graduate and is listed as one of Forbes magazinerichest people in the world. In August of that year became 100% owner of TV Chilevision.

Pinera save miners 'tragedy' in a carnival of the media, with cameras for the drama from every conceivable angle, including the placement of cameras in the same emergency room, he saw to it with a smile, bear hugs photo ops with all the 33 miners, how did the escape pod, a group photo ops emerged later.

Pinera isBrother Jose Pinera was Chile's Minister of Mines under the ruthless dictator Augusto Pinochet's military. Pinochet was the Hitler, violent rulers in the history of Latin America to commit unspeakable human rights violations, including the 3197 assassination of Chilean citizens. Thousands of "disappeared" - abused, thrown to death and buried in mass graves still secret, and military helicopters in the Pacific Ocean. An estimated 30,000 Chileans survived imprisonment and torture by seriousPinochet's secret police, electric shocks, beatings, rapes and near-drowning in secret prisons. Human rights violations in Chile and acts of terrorism abroad, led to his arrest for crimes against humanity committed in London in 1998.

Where his brother José Piñera, Pinochet's "Minister of Mines," now? He lives in Washington as a senior member of the American and European think tanks.

To save the miners pod or capsule, the name of "Fenix", since - also spelled"Phoenix".

The phoenix is ​​a symbol of Lucifer. Barbara Walker, in his book Occult, "Now is the dawn," writes "Phoenix Egyptians believed that the representative of a God who was the sky as a morning star rose, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation death and rebirth. .. "

In the realm of the occult, the Phoenix, the legendary bird of Egyptian mystery religions are satanic.

Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, says that like a PhoenixAdler and his death, his body is opened and the new baby is born Phoenix - risen.

Occult Ritual
The Masters of the Illuminati seized the Phoenix Bird as one of its symbols of the New World Order coming of the Antichrist. The phoenix symbolizes "Immortality and Resurrection" and the coming of the Antichrist. The Chilean mining disaster and the "rescue Fenix ​​33" was an "occult ritual." It was an orchestrated event planned to celebrate and announce to the internationalMasonic Brotherhood - The rise of Lucifer.

Staff Text
The Chilean flag dispays a five-pointed star or "Pentagram". The Pentagram was stamped on the escape pod. A large pentagram was also draped in front of the camera in the subway. When the miners emerged from the capsule Risen, wore a large pentagram on his chest.

Mario Gomez, 9 miner to be rescued was an inverted pentagram. What is the meaning of an inverted pentagram? Therepresents Satan and the world-of-judgment matters to God

Gomez, a former merchant marine, was a "spiritual leader" of the miners, who elected him the nickname "The Navigator". When Gomez was born from the lifeboat, he fell to the ground in prayer.

13 is the number of death and resurrection, and is also known as "Phoenix Rising".

The 33 miners from the mine last October 13 was repealed. The pod was 13 feet high.

The number 13 issacred to the occultist practice, because it represents the highest level of man against divine authority. Replacing the old world order with the Luciferian New World Order is the final victory.

The miners - who knew?
Crying, hugging, jumping, screaming, fist pumping celebration. There was a carnival atmosphere on the melodramatic theatricality of 33 miners rose as the phoenix and stood before the tightening global media giant pentagrams on theirSpeakers. Most of the men were aroused manicured, clean shaven, clean uniforms and wearing $ 180 designer Oakley sunglasses. Seemed that he had just returned from an exotic holiday.

Oops photos celebrity after the presidential-miners had gone, thrown in a mobile hospital in the area, then moved to a "military installation" for a check-up. When miners in the history of mining accidents have taken on a military installation? Were debriefing? As a gag? Order

Forty years, Mario Sepulveda, an electrician, spent his time underground, video production, that the miners to the surface. In one of his videos sublime, served as narrator, the audience will take you on a tour through the neighborhood 600 meters underground and the adjacent square mile-long tunnel. When asked about his experiences as a prisoner underground, Sepulveda said he divides his time between the God and "devil" is issued.

Nicknamed "Super Mario" and "The Joker" has Sepulvedamedia and figurehead of a treasure room. He brought souvenirs rocks (probably 13) on the surface, the gold and gave them to expect officials and billionaire Sebastian Pinera, the Chilean President. The billionaire president needs gold as snowballs requirements Eskimo.

Luis Urzúa Miner, 54, a surveyor. Urzúa officials claim as leader of his colleagues was that he took the nickname of "Don Lucho". Collapsed in the early moments after the mine, ordered the men Urzúacrowd and took three miners to explore the gallery. He used the topography of training in order to make detailed maps of their environment.

Mario Gomez, 63, was the miner to be rescued 9. He was the spiritual leader of the group and emerged wearing a shirt with a pentagram head.

The hidden message
The Chilean mining disaster and the "Fenix ​​33" had developed a proposed covert ritual, a symbolic signal to the international brotherhood of the Masons and sendGovernments around the world Freemason-controlled. The message? The Order of the Old World was the Luciferian New World Order and Lucifer, the Masonic Messiah, risen has been replaced.

Expect an announcement soon of Queen Elizabeth II to abdicate and turn in succession to the British throne to his nephew, Prince William. http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/BookWilliam.html

Chile mining accident was no accident

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 tips for a perfect birthday speech

!±8± 10 tips for a perfect birthday speech

Birthday parties often require a speech birthday party. It 'a time when everyone expects to hear around a beautiful and well crafted speech. Often small mistakes ruin not only the language but also the mood of celebration.

Here are some things to consider when it comes to your birthday speech.

1 His birthday speech should be clear, optimistic, secure, and easily understood by everyone around.

2 Do not talk about the value of the age of the celebrant in your birthdaySpeech, unless there is a special birthday milestone birthday like 21 or 50. Some people like to celebrate every birthday, but did not disclose how their actual age.

3 Do not say anything that might bring the celebrant and the guests at a loss. The celebrant did not know what the score he / she has a snoring problem or an alcohol. So be careful not to raise these issues in his speech.

Four never say, a tough and rough history of the celebrant. Birthdays are usually family events and the SeniorFamily members can not say how the birthday boy.

5 Refrain from talking about sad moments or events. Birthdays are special celebrations fun and the joy and the mention is a sad moment, most likely kill the happiness. However, there may be exceptions, but if you are sure it is always better, something might awaken sad memories avoided.

6 Do not try to be funny. Comedians are professionally trained individuals with excellentTraining and timing. Most of us are not able to write and deliver speeches funny. It 's always better to be light and genuine rather than trying to be a fool and spoil the fun.

7 Make sure your birthday speech does not offend anyone. Some things may seem like friends flock to a free drink or something obvious, but you should never insult a guest.

8 Never talk about deceased relatives or friends if the guest of honor is so or isappropriate to say that the deceased is surely there in spirit. Sometimes the pain is still fresh and it is always best to tell it like it and talk about how upset all the party.

9 Never call the celebrant of his / her nickname. A man could not know how all his colleagues in office, he calls his wife. Or a teenager may well be embarrassed by his mother as a boy. It's all right, of course, to call him instead of Jeff Jefferson.

10Do not write pages and pages. The guests are there for the birthday party, not for half an hour to hear the speech. He led the hell out of them. Four speech 57 minutes is good enough.

10 tips for a perfect birthday speech

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